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Theis Vine
De la Riva Macharnudo San Cayetano

De la Riva

2022 De la Riva Macharnudo San Cayetano

Robert Parker  96
Decanter  98
809,95 v/6 stk. (ved 1. stk. 929,95)

Unik hvidvin med 98 point fra Decanter og 96 point fra Robert Parker!

Macharnudo San Cayetano Vino de Pasto 2022 er dybest set skabt som en Sherry, dog uden tilsætning af alkohol. Der er altså med andre tale om en tør hvidvin og ikke en traditionel hedvin.

Lavet udelukkende på den klassiske Sherry-druesort Palomino fra enkeltmarken Macharnudo i Jerez, Sherryens hjemstavn. Vinen lagres desuden ligesom Sherry under et lag af gær kendt som "flor" i store egetræsfade i 20 måneder.

Næsen er utroligt parfumeret og floral, mens smagen tilføjer nuancer og noter af citron, fersken og saltede mandler. Strukturen er fyldig med en kalket mineralitet og en meget lang eftersmag runder det hele smukt af.

En sjælden og unik vin med en stærkt begrænset produktion på blot 6000 flasker.

Robert Parker - 96

The 2022 Macharnudo San Cayetano Vino de Pasto is an unfortified Palomino from Sherry soils, from the famous Macharnudo vineyard in Jerez. The grapes were sun dried for a few hours, and the wine has less biological influence and more limestone influence despite having aged under a veil of flor yeasts; it comes from a plot of more concentration than the regular Macharnudo. 2022 was already an intense vintage; they wanted to avoid the wine being too heavy, and the wine shows superb. The La Escribana also comes from the Macharnudo vineyard, but this wine comes from a different plot in Macharnudo, an adjacent plot of very old vines (older than the others), looking for finesse and definition in the palate. It is more of a white wine than a flor wine. It was a dry year, and despite everything, the wine finished with a moderate 13.5% alcohol. The regular Macharnudo they had produced since 2016 will now include the name of the plot, El Notario, to distinguish it from these new bottlings. This 2022 has a powdery, chalky mouthfeel, very much the expression of the albariza calcareous soils. It doesn't have high acidity but has very good freshness and balance and a tasty minerality that makes you salivate; it's super tasty. This should bloom with a couple of years in bottle. There are some 6,000 bottles. It was bottled in July 2023. This is not in the Jerez/Sherry appellation, but there's an initiative to create a separate appellation of origin for these unfortified white wines.

Decanter - 98

A new-wave Sherry by winemakers Ramiro Ibáñez and Willy Perez makes its debut on the Place de Bordeaux this September. 100% Palomino Fino grapes come from the 3.35-hectare San Cayetano vineyard in Macharnudo, planted in 1988. Beautifully fragranced nose, really perfumed and floral, scented with wildflowers. The wine sees one year of flor ageing but it's distinctly dry and round on the palate. There's a thickness to the texture, like thick honey but with salted, softly spiced edges and a core of bright lemon, peach and pear that gives tang, energy and excitement to the expression. Poised and refined, this has a lovely ease about it, beautifully textured and fully flavoured with mouthwatering acidity and bursts of bright citrus zest that counter the saltiness - close your eyes and you could be by the beach! Interesting and captivating, long and lingering, crying out to be eaten with nuts. lovely sea salt spray, close your eyes and you're at the beach! limestone. Small production of only 6,000 bottles.

Årgang 2022
Vintype Sherry
Land Spanien
Producent De la Riva
Alkoholprocent 14.5%
Indhold 75cl
Faktablad Hent faktablad
Varenr. 64261
På lager - levering 1-2 hverdage
v/6 stk.

Alternative vine

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